Renaissance Client, Sons of Thunder, Helps Feed Frontline Workers During COVID-19
Each and every day, the team at Renaissance is trying to do everything humanly possible to help save New York’s devastated small businesses. In this incredibly difficult time, we’re drawing inspiration from our small business clients. They’re not only showing amazing resolve to keep their restaurants and shops going, but they’re demonstrating compassion for their neighbors.
We wanted to share with you this moving video, featuring Sons of Thunder, a longtime Renaissance client. It was prepared by the New York City Mayor’s Office for, “Bring Your Light: Faith and Mental Health in COVID-19,” a virtual event held May 27.
The owners of Sons of Thunder, James and John Kim, have been preparing meals for frontline workers, giving medical personnel a boost as they fight to save lives in New York City’s hospitals. “When I see New Yorkers like Sons of Thunder doing what they can for their community,” said NYC First Lady Chirlane McCray, “one poke bowl at a time, all while their own restaurant fights for survival — I am reminded that even in despair, we have the power to help others.”
You can click here if you would like to donate a meal for the frontlines through Sons of Thunder.