Our business advisory team is available to assist you on a 1:1 basis to understand your specific business needs.
Please schedule an appointment below and an advisory team member will contact you on your preferred meeting time to meet via zoom or in-person.
Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) certification is a designation given by the Federal US Treasury Department to specialized organizations that provide financial services in low-income communities and to people who lack access to financing. A CDFI organization, such as Renaissance, works to empower low-income and underserved people/communities to enter the financial mainstream.
Whether you are a pre-revenue start up business or an existing established business, Renaissance is here to provide the business advice you need to overcome any challenges. Often, Renaissance assist clients with their business legal structure, business planning, financial projections/analysis, credit repair counseling, lease negotiations, marketing plan, digital strategy, loan packaging and much more. All of Renaissance's business technical assistance advisory services are free. We are here to support your business journey towards success.
Renaissance does not directly offer grant assistance to small businesses. However, occasionally, during emergency disasters relief efforts, Renaissance will participate as a grant administrator to help small businesses access grants from private or public entities.
Those who seek assistance from Renaissance are often unbanked or under-bank. Renaissance is a nonprofit organization who helps clients formalize their business structure and financial documents before they can access bank capital. The businesses that come to Renaissance usually have some financial challenges before they can get a bank loan. Therefore, Renaissance is here to provide the necessary technical assistance and microloan to help build your business to the stage it is ready for traditional bank financing.
Renaissance can provide business technical assistance advisory to small businesses from anywhere. However, in order to receive a loan from Renaissance, your business must be located in New York City (5 Boroughs- Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Bronx and Queens).